Sirrus iOS Release Notes

V5.10.1: August 8th, 2023

Updated Features

Various fixes and stability improvements for the latest Soil Sampling and Barcode Report release.

V5.10: June 20, 2023

Updated Features

Soil Sampling (Grid and Zone)

  • Barcode Scan functionality is available during the Soil Sampling (Grid and Zone) collection workflow
  • A new UI for Soil Sampling jobs supports Bag ID, Lab Package, Lab Name, and Lab Account
  • This allows labs to submit results through the STI API utilizing Bag ID as the sample identifier

Barcode Report

  • An improved Barcode Report is now available to support additional data for Barcodes: Bag ID, Lab Package, Lab Name, Lab Account

New Features

Soil Sampling (Grid and Zone)

  • An updated UI for your Soil Sampling job to support Bag ID, Lab Package, Lab Name, Lab Account
    • Bag ID and Lab Package data can be added during collection for Topsoil and Subsoils
    • Barcodes can be scanned to populate Bag ID
    • Lab Name and Lab Account can be added on the save screen

Barcode Report

  • An update to the Barcode Report
    • Data gathered during sample collection will be available on the report: Barcode Number, Lab Package, Lab Name, Lab Account


  • Fixed issue where deleting a product during Crop Protection & Fertilizer data collection caused other products to be doubled
  • Fixed issue where latitude and longitude was not editable during boundary creation with a pivot
  • Fixed a typo in Scouting Report where Pests was misspelled as Pasts 
  • Fixed issue causing Season for new Management Zones to be set to all Seasons when syncing
  • Fixed issue where scrolling to fill out parameters in the iPhone was not working during Management Zone creation
  • Fixed issue where Lime Recs in Summit were not syncing through to Sirrus correctly
  • Fixed issue that caused the app to crash when generating a Rec Summary Report
  • Fixed issue where Cotton Growth State group was missing when collecting a Scouting event

V5.9.1 (Patch): January 23, 2023


  • Fixed issue where GPS was not working when trying to resample a field
  • Fixed issue where Sample ID and Zone ID number in the Sampling UI were not refreshing correctly after changing or editing
  • Fixed issue that caused a resampling error when trying to resample an old boundary
  • Fixed issue where large balloon pins were showing for unselected zones when viewing a zone Soil Sampling event with results
  • Fixed issue where filtering for Sampling operations caused a duplication for older seasons in the Jobs list
  • Fixed issue where using the ‘Select All Polygons’ setting in Scouting and other operations was causing data to be entered on deselected polygons 
  • Fixed issue that resulted in empty Shp files when exporting a Recommendation 
  • Fixed issue that resulted in data not saving for a Scouting operation
  • Fixed issue where editing a Scouting operation caused the crop attribute to disappear when dropping a new GPS scout point

V5.9: November 30, 2022

Updated Features

Irrigation Refactored Collection UI

  • Irrigation collection data is now listed in a single form
  • A new ellipsis menu contains the following options: Customize Job Collection and Settings

Manure Refactored Collection UI

  • Manure collection data is now listed in a single form
  • A new ellipsis menu contains the following options: Customize Job Collection and Settings

Nutrient Refactored Collection UI

  • Nutrient collection data is now listed in a single form
  • A new ellipsis menu contains the following options: Customize Job Collection and Settings

Planting Custom Collection

  • Decide which attributes to include or remove from Planting data collection

Tillage Custom Collection

  • Decide which attributes to include or remove from Tillage data collection

Irrigation Custom Collection

  • Decide which attributes to include or remove from Irrigation data collection

Manure Custom Collection

  • Decide which attributes to include or remove from Manure data collection

Crop Protection & Fertilizer Refactor Collection

  • New ability to remove an expanded product card from the Crop Protection & Fertilizer collection UI

New features

Irrigation Refactored Collection User Interface (UI)

  • UI update for Irrigation activity
    • Available for the following Job States: Recommendations and Work Records
  • Irrigation data attributes are now in a single list for easier and optimizable data collection
  • New menu button: ellipsis button
    • The Settings button has been moved from the map to this new menu
    • Functionality of the Settings has not changed
    • The new menu button contains the following options: Customize Job Collection and Settings
  • General tab data is now listed in a single form

Manure Refactored Collection UI

  • UI update for Manure activity
    • Available for the following Job States: Recommendations and Work Records
  • Manure data attributes are now in a single list for easier and optimizable data collection
  • New menu button: ellipsis button
    • The Settings button has been moved from the map to this new menu
    • Functionality of the Settings has not changed
    • The new menu button contains the following options: Customize Job Collection and Settings
  • General tab data is now listed in a single form

Nutrient Refactored Collection UI

  • UI update for Nutrient activity
    • Available for the following Job States: Plans and Recommendations
  • Nutrient data attributes are in a single list for easier and optimizable data collection
  • New menu button: ellipsis button
    • The Settings button has been moved from the map to this new menu
    • Functionality of the Settings has not changed
    • The new menu button contains the following options: Customize Job Collection and Settings
  • General tab data is now listed in a single form

Planting Custom Collection

  • Optimize Planting data collection
    • Select ‘Customize Job Collection’ in the new ellipsis menu to access this new feature
      • Locked attributes at the top are denoted with a lock icon and cannot be customized or removed from data collection
      • Customizable attributes are available below the locked attributes and are optional for data collection
      • Add, remove, or re-order customizable attributes within data collection
    • The following locked attributes cannot be customized, reordered, or removed from their Planting data collection: Crop, Seed Company, Variety/Hybrid, Seeding Rate, Seeding Units

Tillage Custom Collection

  • Optimize Tillage data collection
    • Select ‘Customize Job Collection’ in the new ellipsis menu to access this new feature
      • Locked attributes at the top are denoted with a lock icon and cannot be customized or removed from data collection
      • Customizable attributes are available below the locked attributes and are optional for data collection
      • Add, remove, or re-order customizable attributes within data collection
    • The following locked attributes cannot be customized, reordered, or removed from their Tillage data collection: Tillage Style, Primary Implement, Tillage Depth, Tillage Depth Units

Irrigation Custom Collection

  • Optimize Irrigation data collection
    • Select ‘Customize Job Collection’ in the new ellipsis menu to access this new feature
      • Locked attributes at the top are denoted with a lock icon and cannot be customized or removed from data collection
      • Customizable attributes are available below the locked attributes and are optional for data collection
      • Add, remove, or re-order customizable attributes within data collection
    • The following locked attributes cannot be customized, reordered, or removed from their Irrigation data collection: Irrigation Amount, Irrigation Amount Units, Duration of Application, Duration Units, Irrigation Schedule

Manure Custom Collection

  • Optimize Manure data collection
    • Select ‘Customize Job Collection’ in the new ellipsis menu to access this new feature
      • Locked attributes at the top are denoted with a lock icon and cannot be customized or removed from data collection
      • Customizable attributes are available below the locked attributes and are optional for data collection
      • Add, remove, or re-order customizable attributes within data collection
    • The following locked attributes cannot be customized, reordered, or removed from their Manure data collection: Manure Type, Manure Form, Manure Rate, Manure Rate Units, Manure Application Method, Manure Pct Nitrogen, Manure Pct Phosphorus, Manure Pct Potassium, Application Timing

Crop Protection & Fertilizer Refactor Collection

  • New ability to remove an expanded product card from the Crop Protection & Fertilizer collection UI
    • This prevents the build up of unneeded product cards during Crop Protection & Fertilizer data collection


  • Fixed issue where planting hectares totals had doubled to more than what actually existed on the acres planted dashboard tile when adding planting events
  • Fixed issue where editing a CEI event that already contained a mix order caused a product duplication when adding another product
  • Fixed issue where adding a product to a split polygon resulted in an error message
  • Fixed issue where comments were not saving in the CEI event and were not appearing on any generated reports
  • Fixed issue that caused the Fertilizer Recommendation Report to display an incorrect amount of total applied acreage
  • Fixed issue where paddock hectares were being doubled up on reports and displaying the wrong total hectares in the product summary
  • Fixed issue where imagery layers were not loading onto the map when viewing pending and approved Imagery
  • Fixed issue where re-scout details were not refreshing correctly on multi-polygon fields
  • Fixed issue that caused paddocks to be split onto different pages in the Recommendation Summary Report
  • Fixed issue where the app was not displaying the button to save a shapefile
  • Fixed issue that caused the app to crash when trying to set a route during grid sampling of a field
  • Fixed issue that caused app to crash after attempting to set a route during a sampling event

V5.8: June 23, 2022

Updated Features

Crop Protection & Fertilizer Refactored Collection UI

  • Crop Protection & Fertilizer collection data is listed in a single form
  • A new ellipsis menu containing the following options: Customize Job Collection, Settings, Tank Mix, and Recent

Crop Protection & Fertilizer Custom Collection

  • Decide what attributes to include or remove from Crop Protection & Fertilizer data collection

Planting Refactored Collection UI

  • Planting collection data is listed in a single form
  • A new ellipsis menu containing the following option: Settings

Tillage Refactored Collection UI

  • Tillage collection data is listed in one long, single form
  • A new ellipsis menu containing the following option: Settings

New features

Crop Protection & Fertilizer Refactored Collection UI

  • A UI update for Crop Protection & Fertilizer activity
    • Available for all Job States: Plans, Recommendations, Work Orders, and Work Records
  • Crop Protection & Fertilizer data attributes are in a single list for easier and optimizable data collection
  • A new Labels – SDS icon to access their Labels – SDS info
  • A new menu button: the ellipsis button (three dots)
    • The Settings button has been moved from the map to this new menu
    • This new menu button contains the following options: Customize Job Collection, Settings, Tank Mix, Recent
  • General tab data is listed in a single form

Crop Protection & Fertilizer Custom Collection

  • Optimize Crop Protection & Fertilizer data collection
  • ‘Customize Job Collection’ in the new ellipsis menu to access this new feature
    • Locked attributes at the top denoted with a lock icon
    • Customizable attributes are available below the locked attributes
    • Add, remove, or re-order customizable attributes within data collection
  • The following locked attributes cannot be customized, reordered, or removed from their Crop Protection & Fertilizer data collection
    • Product Type, Product, Product Rate, Batch Number, Registration Code, Application Timing, Carrier, Total App Rate
  • General tab data is listed in a single form

Planting Refactored Collection UI

  • A UI update for Planting activity
    • Available for all Job States: Plans, Recommendations, Work Orders, and Work Records
  • Planting data attributes are in a single list for easier and optimizable data collection
  • Access to Variety/Hybrid tech sheets
  • A new Labels – SDS icon to access their label info for Seed Treatment
  • A new menu button: the ellipsis button (three dots)
    • The ‘Settings’ button has been moved from the map to this new menu
  • General tab data is listed in a single form

Tillage Refactored Collection UI

  • A UI update for Tillage activity
    • Available for all Job States: Plans, Recommendations, Work Orders, and Work Records
  • Tillage data attributes are in a single list for easier and optimizable data collection
  • A new menu button: the ellipsis button (three dots)
    • The Settings button has been moved from the map to this new menu
  • General tab data is listed in a single form


  • Fixed issue that caused the app to crash when saving and editing a Scouting operation with weeds
  • Fixed issue where Barcode reports were not generating correctly
  • Fixed issue where the MJD Wireless Export option was not available as a send option for Fertilizer Recs
  • Fixed issue at the Farm level where the REI and PHI dashboard tile was not updating with the correct amount of fields or current/active REI and PHI values
  • Fixed issue that resulted in some missing units and longlist errors

V5.7: October 18, 2021

Updated Features

Performance and Stability Improvements

  • Extensive database rework has been completed. Users will experience noticeable improvements in app performance and stability.

GTIN Scanning

 Users can now collect GTIN data for Crop Protection Work Orders and Work Records for Australian Adama Products.

  • For Australian Adama products, users can now scan GTIN data from Australian Adama product labels and QR Codes during data collection for Crop Protection Work Orders and Work Records.
  • Australian users can manually enter GTIN data for any product

New Features

GTIN Scanning

Users will now have access to scanning capabilities for Australian Adama products during data collection for Crop Protection Work Orders and Work Records

  • Users will see this functionality in their Crop Protection data collection
    • This will only function for Crop Protection Work Orders and Work Records
  • Users will first need to input the ‘Product Type’ and ‘Product’
    • The entered product will determine accessibility to the new GTIN scanning feature
  • Users can scan their Australia Adama product labels or QR Codes during data collection
    • A QR code or label can be scanned that can upload Container information with the following:
      • Product Type
      • Product
      • Rate
      • Registration Code
      • Serial No.
      • GTIN
      • DOM
      • Expiration Date
      • Batch No.
    • Information collected from the scan will be populated in the data collection
    • Australian users will also have the ability to manually input their Australia Adama GTIN information
  • Australian users can manually enter GTIN data for any product

Local Database Rework 

Work has been done to improve in app performance and stability


  • Fixed issue where Growth Stage list in Scouting Collection was listed in alphabetical instead of chronological order

V5.6: August 9, 2021

Updated Features

Language and Region (agX V2 Content)

Users will notice a new feature in their General Settings and Collection Settings to adjust their Language and Regions settings

General Settings

Users can now easily access the settings to update their Language and Region Selections from the General Settings and the Collection Settings

Sampling Plan/Work Order

 Users will now see Plan and Work Order along with the Jobs workflow for the Soil (Grid & Zone), Tissue, and Nematode Sampling activities

Sampling Collection Improvements

 Users will notice a new workflow improvement for their Soil, Tissue, and Nematode Sampling collection

  • Users now have the Plus Button prompt for their Sampling activities to select Planned, Recommendation, Work Order, or Work Record
    • Users can indicate how they want to create a Sampling activity before beginning data collection
  • Users will see a new ‘Drop All Points’ button for their Sampling Recommendations, Plans, and Work Orders in the collection workflow

Scouting and Recommendation Report

Users will now see Min, Max, Avg, Total Count, and Threshold information for Insects, Weeds, and Disease generated on their report

Imagery Threshold

 Users will notice that fields larger than 1000 hectares cannot be enrolled in Premium Imagery

  • Users will see the alert message “Field exceeds Max size of 1000 Ha/2471 AC and cannot be enrolled in Premium Imagery” when attempting to enroll fields in imagery that exceeds this maximum.

Sync Progress Bar: agX Content

Users will notice an additional progress bar for their agX content

New Features

Language & Region

Users will now have access in both the General Settings and Collection Settings to update their Language and Region to populate their content list

  • Users will see this new functionality in both the General Settings and the Collection Settings
    • Your device Language and Region will be detected to populate the new Language and Region in the app
    • Users can choose to change their language if needed and add multiple regions
  • Users will notice their Language and Region defaulted to US region and the English language for countries and languages we do not support
  • Users will have the ability to change their language to help translate their content list
  • Users will have the option to select multiple regions at a time to help populate their content list for activity collection
    • For example, users can choose Brazil and Argentina for the region selection
    • Another example: Users can choose a combination such as USA, Canada, and United Kingdom for their region selection
  • Users will see an indicator in their short list of regions not supported
    • “Outside Regions” will be displayed next to the regions we do not currently support

Sampling Collection

Users will notice an improvement to their Soil (Grid and Zone), Tissue, and Nematode Sampling collection

  • Users will notice a ‘Drop All Points’ button for their Sampling Recommendations, Plans, and Work Orders for collection
    • This includes Soil Sampling (Grid and Zone), Tissue Sampling, and Nematode Sampling
    • This will drop all points in the field boundary based on the user’s set Navigation Route
    • Users must now set a Navigation Route for their Sampling Recommendations, Plans, Work Orders for the new ‘Drop All Points’ workflow
  • Users will still have the original ‘Drop Points’ button for Sampling Work Records
    • This includes Soil Sampling (Grid and Zone), Tissue Sampling, and Nematode Sampling

Sampling Plan/Work Order

Users will now see the Jobs workflow incorporated into the Sampling Activities: Soil, Tissue, and Nematode

  • Users will now see Plan and Work Order as options for their Sampling activities
    • Users will see a prompt when selecting a Sampling activity from the plus button
    • This prompt will allow users to indicate how they want to create their Sampling activity: Plan, Recommendation, Work Order, or Work Record
    • Users can change their selection in the save screen before officially saving their activity
  • Users will now have the ‘Take Action’ button to progress their Sampling Recommendations and Plans
  • Users will see a ‘Fulfill’ button for their Sampling Work Orders to easily fulfill their sampling activity
  • Users will see a ‘Re-Sample’ button for their Sampling Work Records for easy access to re-sample their activity

Sync Progress Bar for agX Content

 Users will notice an additional progress bar for their agX content

  • This additional progress bar will be titled ‘agX Content’ to distinguish from the original Sirrus progress bar
  • This new progress bar provides information on the date of the last updated agX content sync

Refresh agX Content

Users will notice an update to the old ‘Refresh all agX Content’ button in the Sync Setup

  • The verbiage for this button has now been updated to ‘Refresh agX Content’
  • When users select this button and there is agX content syncing, they will immediately be sent to the new agX Content progress bar to see the updates
  • When users select this button and their agX content is up to date, they will now see the “Everything up to date” alert


  • Fixed an issue that resulted in the app crash when selecting Tank Mix/Recent for a Crop Protection and Fertilizer Work Order
  • Fixed issue where selecting ‘Resample’ for a Soil Sampling activity defaulted the activity to a Recommendation instead of a Work Record
  • Fixed issue where a Management Zone was assigned different colors on each polygon and returned back to the default colors after closing and re-opening the app.
  • Fixed crash issue with the Scouting and Recommendation Report
  • Fixed issue with Scouting and Recommendation Report that resulted in field information listed out of order and separated onto different pages

V5.5.4: April 19, 2021

New Features

  • Dashboard Improvements: Users will notice two new dashboard tiles, Recommendations and Jobs, at the Account level to access their Activities.
  • In-App Purchases : Users will now have the ability to restore their In-App Purchases for re-installing the app or upgrading to a new device.


  • Fixed an issue where the operation type in the save screen could not be changed for multi-field collection
  • Fixed crashing issues
  • Fixed an issue where Digifarm GPS was not behaving correctly in Sirrus
  • Fixed an issue in Management Zones where colors that were adjusted for multiple polygon splits were being reset to the default color scheme after syncing
  • Fixed an issue in the Recommendations and Jobs lists where any change made to the Event Date filter was not applied
  • Fixed a crash issue when editing a mix order that had previously been saved
  • Fixed an issued where the Yield/Harvest tile at the Field level was not showing multiple yield/harvest activities available for one season

V5.5: March 17, 2021

Updated Features

Dashboard Improvements

Users will notice two new tiles on the Grower, Farm and Field level dashboards to access their Activities:

Recommendations Tile

Users can now easily view and access Recommendations (Recs), organized into tabs for Draft Recs and Issued Recs; with separate tabs for Pending, Accepted, and Rejected Recs.

Jobs Tile

Users can now easily access Planned Activities, Work Orders, and Work Records (formerly referred to as Applications) from the new “Jobs” tile.

New Jobs Workflow

While viewing or editing an Activityusers can now progress activities to the next stage in their workflow using the ‘Take Action’ button.

Activity Collection

Prior to collecting a Crop Protection & Fertilizer, Planting, or Tillage from the plus button, users will now be prompted to select an Activity Type: Do you want to create a Planned Activity, a Recommendation, a Work Order, or a Work Record.

New Crop Recommendation (Rec) Summary Report

Users can now utilize a new report, Crop Rec Summary, to report by grower on Recommended Planting, Fertility, and Crop Protection Products ahead of the next season

New Crop Plan Summary Report

Users can now utilize a new report, Crop Plan Summary, to report by grower, on Planned Planting, Fertility, and Crop Protection Products ahead of the next season

Deere OAuth 2.0

Users will notice an updated workflow to their MyJohnDeere (MJD) accounts due to Deere policy changes

  • An in-app redirect to MJD for linked MJD Organizations will be provided
  • Users will now have a better way to manage their MJD accounts and organizations within the app

New Features

Activity Collection

  • Users will now see an update to the prompt to select an Activity Type prior to collecting for Crop Protection, Fertilizer, Planting, Tillage, or Nutrient activities
  • Users will have the option to select ‘Planned’, ‘Recommendation’, ‘Work Order’ or ‘Work Record’ Activity Types before collecting an activity
    • The activity will then be saved as either ‘Planned’, ‘Recommendation’, ‘Work Order’, or ‘Work Record’
    • Users will still have the option to change their selection in the save screen before officially saving the activity

Recommendations Tile

  • Users will now see a “Recommendations” tile on the dashboard at the Grower, Farm, and Field levels
    • Users will notice the Drafts, Pending, Accepted, and Rejected categories displayed on the “Recommendations” tile
      • Draft Recommendation are only on your device and not shared via sync.
      • Issued Recommendations include Pending, Accepted, and Rejected categories
    • Users will see the the count of each of the activities on the tile to easily view the number of activities per season selected in their Recommendations list from the dashboard
  • When selecting the new “Recommendations” tile, users will notice four tabs that correspond to the four categories seen on the dashboard tile
    • Users will now see their activities listed categorized by Drafts, Pending, Accepted, and Rejected
    • Added the count of each of the activities in each tab so the user can view the number of activities per season selected in each list from the tabs
      • This number will correspond to the number displayed on the dashboard tile
    • Activities displayed in this list will be based on the season selected
      • Users will notice all seasons back to the Sync Settings > Seasons Downloaded will be displayed for Soil Sampling activities
  • When viewing a Recommendation activity, users will notice a ‘Take Action’ button
    • Users can select this button when viewing a Pending, Accepted, or a Rejected Recommendation to progress their activities
    • Users will notice an ‘Issue as Rec’ button for Draft Recommendations that will progress and issue the activity as a Pending Recommendation
    • When viewing a Pending Recommendation, selecting the ‘Take Action’ button will display these options to progress the activity: Accept, Reject, Mark as Completed
      • Users will notice a pop-up when selecting ‘Accept’ from these options
      • Users can then progress their accepted Pending Recommendation to a Planned activity or a Work Order activity
    • When viewing an Accepted Recommendation, selecting the ‘Take Action’ button will display these options to progress the activity: Reject and Mark as Completed
    • When viewing a Rejected Recommendation, selecting the ‘Take Action’ button will display these options to progress the activity: Accept and Mark as Completed

Jobs Tile

  • Users will now see a “Jobs” tile on the dashboard at the Grower, Farm, and Field levels
    • Users will notice the Planned, Work Orders, and Completed categories displayed on the new “Jobs” tile
    • Added the count of each of the activities on the tile so the user can easily view the number of activities per season selected in their Jobs list from the dashboard
  • When selecting the new “Jobs” tile, users will notice three tabs that correspond to the three categories seen on the dashboard tile
    • Users will now see their activities listed categorized by Planned, Work Orders, and Completed
    • Added the count of each of the activities in each tab so the user can view the number of activities per season selected in each list from the tabs
      • This number will correspond to the number displayed on the dashboard tile
    • Activities displayed in this list will be based on the season selected
      • Users will notice all seasons back to the Sync Settings > Seasons Downloaded will be displayed for Soil Sampling activities
  • When viewing a Jobs activity, users will notice a ‘Take Action’ button
    • Users can select this button when viewing a Planned activity or Work Order to progress their activities
    • When viewing a Planned activity, selecting the ‘Take Action’ button will display these options to progress the activity: Issue as Rec, Create Work Order, Mark as Completed
    • When viewing a Work Order, selecting the ‘Take Action’ button will display the option to progress the activity: Mark as Completed
    • When Viewing a Work Record, users will notice a Completed On date to see when the operation was completed
  • Users will also notice an ‘Overdue’ line when viewing their Work Orders list
    • This line will separate Upcoming and Overdue Work Orders
    • Upcoming Work Orders will rest above the Overdue line
    • Overdue Work Orders will fall below the Overdue line
      • These will be activities that have fallen past their “From” and “To” date window and have not yet been updated using the ‘Take Action’ button

New Jobs Workflow

  • Users will now see a new workflow that can be used to progress their activities
  • Users will notice a ‘Take Action’ button when viewing a Planned, Recommendation, and Work Order activities
    • Users can select this ‘Take Action’ button when viewing one of these activities to progress the activity to another activity type in the workflow
    • Users will notice a pop-up where they can select from a few options where to progress their activity
  • When viewing an activity, users will now notice an ‘Edit’ icon
    • Users can now easily edit their Planned activities, Recommendations, Work Orders, and Work Records with one click
  • When viewing an activity, users will now notice a ‘Delete’ icon
    • Users will now see an option to delete their Planned activities, Recommendations, Work Orders, or Work Records
    • Users can select this ‘Delete’ icon to remove activities from their device they no longer want to keep, based on Admin rights

New Crop Rec Summary Report

  • Users will notice a new crop report based on Recommendations: Crop Rec Summary Report
    • The Crop Rec Summary is located in the plus button > Reports at the Grower, Farm, and Field levels
    • Users can utilize the new Crop Rec Summary report on Planting, Fertility, and Crop Protection activities and products ahead of the next season
  • Added the ability to ‘Select All’ activities wanted on the Crop Rec Summary report
    • Users can now ‘Select All’ activities they want to generate on the reports without the need to individually select activities
  • Users will see a simple field outline included in the field information of the report to provide a visual
  • Users will see ‘Event Date’ included in the Crop Rec Summary report as a reference to keep track of their activities on the report
  • Users will see a Summary Page at the end of the Crop Rec Summary report that summarizes all total products used

New Crop Plan Summary Report

  • Users will notice a new crop report based on Plans: Crop Plan Summary Report
    • The Crop Plan Summary is located in the plus button > Reports at the Grower, Farm, and Field levels
    • Users can utilize the new Crop Plan Summary report on Planting, Fertility, and Crop Protection activities and products ahead of the next season
  • Added the ability to ‘Select All’ activities wanted on the Crop Plan Summary report
    • Users can now ‘Select All’ activities they want to generate on the reports without the need to individually select activities
  • Users will see a simple field outline included in the field information of the report to provide a visual
  • Users will see ‘Event Date’ included in the Crop Plan Summary report as a reference to keep track of their activities on the report
  • Users will see a Summary Page at the end of the Crop Plan Summary report that summarizes all total products used

Increase GFF Character Limit

Users will notice an increased GFF character limit to 255.


  • Issue with a third polygon of 0 Ha appearing when drawing a split to create a Management Zone
  • Issue with invalid boundary error when creating splits for a field and adding multiple soil sampling activities
  • Issue with Premium subscription activation disappearing then reappearing or displaying a login credential error after multiple syncs
  • Issue that prevented Scouting photos from syncing and caused photo distortion
  • Issue that prevented users from selecting the previous year in the calendar when enrolling a field in imagery
  • Issue that caused the “To” date for Irrigation Recs to be before the “From” date
  • Issue with getting sync errors after importing support package
  • Issue with Sirrus screen turning gray then crashing
  • Issue that prevented completion of management zone when it crossed with an interior polygon
  • Issue when loading Imagery into Soil Sampling activity and the “Complete Split” button not appearing when drawing a split
  • Issue that prevented the minimum polygon size from being changed and not accepting a new typed value
  • Issue when enrolling a field in Imagery but still seeing the message ‘Enroll in Imagery’
  • Issue that caused incorrect values for total and cumulative precipitation to be displayed in the Precipitation tile on the Field level dashboard
  • Issue with editing the legend values on a “Custom” legend that resulted in some cells populating a value of 0

V5.4.2: September 30, 2020 


  • Fixed an issue with the new iOS 14 software update causing the app to crash when taking pictures for Scouting operations
  • Fixed an issue with the new iOS 14 software update leaving trails of icons when setting a Sampling route
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Yield dashboard tile from displaying and listing Yield data in seasonal order
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Yield dashboard tile from counting Yield layers ‘Admin’ by other users
  • Fixed an issue preventing users from having the ability to download specific Farms and Fields with the ‘Download Farms and Fields’ option
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from seeing Activities for the next season in their Activities list when the current season is selected. When a past season is selected, only Activities for that specific past season will be listed
  • Fixed an issue with Nutrient Rec activities disappearing from the Activities list after syncing
  • Fixed an issue preventing users from filtering their Imagery list by season at the Grower and Farm levels.
  • Fixed an issue with exporting a shape file of soil sampling activity causing the Sample ID to only display number “1”
  • Fixed an issue with “Move Field” in Field Options freezing before users had the ability to save or cancel

V5.4: September 2020 

Updated Features

Home and Activities Buttons

Users will notice that both the Home button and Activities button have been removed from the bottom navigation bar and replaced by new tiles in the dashboard for easier navigation.

Dashboard Improvements

  • New Activities Tile: At the Grower, Farm and Field levels, users can now easily access their activity list from the new “Activities” tile located on the dashboard.
  • New Surface Analysis Tiles: At the field level, surface analysis layers are now separated out on the dashboard into tiles for Yield, Soil Test, and Soil Sensor data
  • Tile Format:  At the field level, users will now see a new concise format to their existing Weather and Premium Imagery tiles on the dashboard.

Activity Collection

Users will notice the addition of a prompt to select an activity type prior to collecting a CEI activity in the plus button.

Nutrient Activity

Users can now create a Nutrient activity.

Imagery Legend

User edited legends will now be used as their default for all of the users downloaded imagery.

Improvements to Rec Editor

If a user changes the name of their Fertilizer Recommendation after making an edit, their edit will now be saved as a new layer.

New Features

New Tile Format on Field Level Dashboard

  • Users will now see updated tiles for Weather, Premium Imagery, Yield, Soil Test, and Soil Sensor data at the Field level
  • Added detailed data on each of these updated tiles in the dashboard:
    • Weather information in the Weather Tile includes highs and lows, precipitation, and wind speed at the field level
    • Users will now see the total number of pending images for the field and along with the last imagery collected on the Premium Imagery tile at the field level
    • The Activities section on the dashboard now includes the number of activities in the list displayed clearly. The user can access this at all levels (i.e. Grower, Farm, Field)
    • Yield data is now available on the dashboard at the field level, which will display the three most recent years of Yield data
    • Soil Test data is now separated on the dashboard into Soil Test Events and Soil Test Layers at the field level
    • Soil Sensor data is now displayed on the dashboard at the field level
  • Added two tabs, “Events” and “Layers” when the user selects Yield and Soil Test tiles to better categorize and organize data
    • The “Events” tab will contain hand-collected, harvest, and machine data
    • The “Layers” tab will contain surface analysis data
  • When selecting the Soil Test and Soil Sensor tiles, users will notice the data is separated by season for optimal data organization

Activities Tile

  • Activities are now on the dashboard at the Grower, Farm, and Field levels
  • Users will now select this tile to view their Activities list from the dashboard
    • Added the a count of the activities on the tile so the user can easily view the number of activities in their list from the dashboard

Surface Analysis Tiles

  • The Surface Analysis tab has been removed from the Activities section
  • Now, users can access their surface analysis data from the tile located on the dashboard at the Field level.
    • Yield, Soil Test, and Soil Sensor surface analysis data will now be accessible from the tile

Activity Collection

  • User will now see a prompt to select an activity type prior to collecting a CEI activity
  • Users will have the option to select ‘Recommendation’ or ‘Application (Work Record)’ before creating an activity
    • The activity will then be saved as a ‘Recommendation’ or ‘Application (Work Record)’
    • Users will still have the option to change their selection in the save screen before officially saving the activity

Nutrient Activity

  • Users will notice the addition of a new activity collection: Nutrient Activity
  • Users will have the ability to collect and generate quick reports for nutrient data

Imagery Legend

User edited legends will now be used as their default for all of the users imagery.

  • When the User downloads imagery, the default legend for imagery will now be determined by the classification method that the user sets.
    • Users will now notice that when they enter the legend editor for the first time then the next images downloaded will be based on the classification they set.
    • If the user has an internet connection and they open a previously downloaded image, then their classification will be applied to previously downloaded imagery.

Improvements to Rec Editor

  • After selecting ‘Save’, if the user does not change the name of the Fertilizer Recommendation edit then we will save the new Fertilizer Recommendation edit over the original Fertilizer Recommendation, overwriting the original Fertilizer Recommendation.
  • After selecting ‘Save’ , if the user does change the name of the Fertilizer Recommendation edit after selecting ‘Save’, save the Fertilizer Recommendation edit as a new layer


  • Issue with yield operations not syncing and displaying in the Notifications pane
  • Issue where some yield layers showed a total of 0 units in the notification pane after download
  • Issue with Sirrus automatically deleting local account data with a failed auth token
  • Issue with all downloaded layers showing in the notifications list that already existed in the account 
  • Issue where loading a management zone over a collection operation caused the operation to go into recovery instead of removing from the device
  • Issue with data not being removed from the device when the Grower has been removed
  • Issue with Total, Min, Max, and Avg displaying “0” in all yield layers for Dry Yield and Wet Yield
  • Issue with only Cotton appearing in attribute list for the Harvest: Sugarcane activity instead of Sugarcane
  • Issue with the inability to view certain Yield Activities when downloading a Grower that has yield data
  • Issue with Sirrus crashing when downloading Growers
  • Issue with receiving a sync error when creating a Management Zone from TSM Average Ansurf data
  • Issue with Imagery where the minimum value in a custom classification legend was not being displayed corrected
  • Issue with Fertility Recommendation editor where the ‘Return to Original’ was not functioning correctly on iPhone. When the User selects the ‘Return to Original’ button, any adjustments they made will return to the ‘original data’ instead of the raw server data.

V5.3.4: July 13, 2020

Updated Features

Sync improvements and progress bar

Sync logic has been optimized to improve data type downloading, and users can now view a sync progress bar to monitor their sync downloads.

Field Boundary error handling

Users can now resolve Boundary errors that prevent fields from syncing to their devices by editing the Boundary, using the Digitizer tool to amend it, or by deleting it.

Revert Field Boundary

Users can select the ‘Revert Field Boundary’ option for a particular field. This allows users to choose from a list of historic boundaries for a specific field to use for Activity collection.

New Features

Sync improvements and progress bar

  • Users will now be able to start working with Grower data faster, due to sync logic optimization.
  • Users can now view a sync progress bar to monitor their sync downloads. If the user navigates away from the progress bar to use other features in the app, sync will continue to progress. When no data is syncing, the time stamp of the last sync will always be shown. This will give users visibility into when Growers, Activity layers, custom fertilizers and tank mixes are being downloaded to their device.

Field Boundary error handling

  • Fixing a Field Boundary:
    • Users can now edit a Boundary to resolve Boundary errors that have prevented Fields from syncing.
    • By navigating to Settings > agX Sync > Errors, users can swipe and select to “Fix” the boundary in that list. In the “Fix Field Boundary” screen, users can select the Boundary that contains an error, and use Digitizer tools to fix or delete it. When fixing the Boundary, both the Boundary line in error and the edited Boundary line will be shown so the user can view what has been changed.
  • Reverting Field Boundaries:
    • Users can now choose from a list of historic Boundaries by using the “Revert Field Boundary” functionality in Field Level options and the Field swipe menu.
    • Users will be provided a list of historic Boundaries for that particular Field and can select a Boundary to revert back to and save for use in Activity collection.


  • Fixed an issue causing users to be logged out of Sirrus when Wi-Fi became unavailable.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Yield operations from showing in the notifications panel
  • Fixed an issue causing commas to be entered as decimals for Seeding Rates and elsewhere across the device
  • Fixed an issue preventing Databullet data from syncing to the device
  • Fixed an issue preventing users from completing a Management Zone operation due to the Management Zone crossing an interior polygon
  • Fixed an issue preventing users form receiving imagery for newly enrolled Fields until they changed the season (year) in the Imagery Settings
  • Made an improvement to stability and app performance due to the addition of a sync progress bar and prioritization of sync items

V5.3.1: June 5, 2020


  • Fixed an issue preventing users from selecting a future Imagery Enrollment date.
  • Fixed an issue preventing a newly created field from being enrolled before it had been synced to the server.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Activities from syncing due to the field not yet being synced.
  • Fixed an issue preventing syncing due to future times being used for created-on dates.
  • Fixed an issue preventing non-Proagrica imagery sources from being viewed without being enrolled in Premium imagery Services.
  • Fixed an issue causing ETID errors due to auto-fill mismatching units for products.
  • Fixed an issue causing the user interface to freeze upon activating a new update.
  • Fixed an issue causing the Imagery Settings to self-reset.

V5.3: May 7, 2020

Updated Features

Imagery Settings

Now users can easily define their own seasons by selecting the months and years of Imagery they need on their device. By selecting specific seasons, the user will experience improved app performance (Premium).

Users can now choose to keep Pending images on their device, between 15 – 90 days, in order to preserve device storage and improve app performance. (Premium) 

Users now have the option to select Sentinel, Landsat (Or both) imagery sources for  their device. (Premium)

Imagery Tile Improvements

Users can now request Pending, Approved, or previously Rejected imagery for a specific field by clicking on the Imagery tile on the field level dashboard. (Premium)

New Features

Imagery Settings (Premium): 

  • Users will now select from the last 3 years of Imagery to decide how many years of data they want downloaded to their device.
  • Added a month selection screen for users to select the year and month range of their own seasons
    • This allows users to define their own seasons by  selecting the months of imagery to download to their device.
  • Users now have the ability to set the number of days to keep Pending images on the device.
    • Users can select to keep their Pending images for 15, 30, 60, or 90 days (from the download date). After which, Pending images will be removed from the device. The default setting will be 30 days, until changed by the user.
  • Users now have the option to select their Imagery source.
    • Users can choose Landsat, Sentinel (or both) imagery sources for downloading images on their device. The default will be Sentinel.

Imagery Enrolment (Premium)

  • Added a new Imagery enrollment screen in the Premium Imagery tile.
    • Users can now choose the month range for Imagery download while they are enrolling a field.
  • Added the Imagery tab to the Premium Imagery tile
    • At the field level, users can now request additional imagery and imagery previously removed from the device.

Activity Views

  • Improvements to Pick Lists:
    • Added auto-scroll to Pick Lists
      • Sirrus will now auto-scroll to a previously selected attribute in pick lists for Activity Collection and when editing a layer.
  • Improvement to Activity List:
    • Activity List is now sorted by Event Date.
      • Users can now view the Activity List in order of Event Date for recommendations and applications.


  • Fixed an issue with Growers not downloading to a device after the v5.2.4 update.
  • Fixed a crashing issue with syncing management zones.
  • Fixed an issue with Databullet not sending Field Boundaries. 
  • Fixed a sync issue with Yield data not downloading for particular growers.
  • Fixed a crashing issue when trying to download NDVI images.
  • Fixed a sync issue when sharing an agX admin transfer.
  • Fixed a sync error when removing Growers from Grower list.
  • Fixed an issue with the Soil Sampling bar covering numbers on the legend.
  • Fixed an issue where Pick A Field tool was not populating the Grower, Farm, Field name when selected.
  • Fixed a CFB issue where Pick a Field was saving as a separate GUID.
  • Fixed a Planting Report where the farm level report legend displayed colors nonexistent in the map.
  • Fixed an issue where the report seeding rate average was incorrect.
  • Fixed a Credential Errors messaging issue.
  • Fixed an issue where viewing rainfall tile caused App to crash due to leap year.

V5.2.4: January 28, 2020


  • Addressed General app performance Issues
    • Fixed a crashing issue after taking latest update.
    • Fixed an issue where a subset of users experienced unexpected removal of their data from the app and were forced to log in again.
    • Fixed an Issue with sync pausing and not finishing for some customers while downloading growers to the app.
    • Fixed an issue where editing in comments caused the cursor to jump to the end.
  • Addressed Bad Geography ‘Spikes’ in Field Boundary Creation
    • Implemented a fix to prevent the creation of bad geography when creating field boundaries. Users will now be able to successfully sync their boundaries.
    • Implemented a tool to allow users to go back and fix the bad geography in their previously created field boundaries. Users will now be able to sync field boundaries that would not previously sync.
    • Planting Recommendation Report: This report now supports recommendations that utilize any of the supported agX Seeding Units and Purchase Units (Premium Feature).


  • Updated Planting Recommendation Report: Now supports Seeding Units and Purchase Methods (Premium Feature)
    • The Planting Recommendation Report now supports recommendations that utilize the following seeding units in addition to seed/acre: Ibs/ac, cwt/ac, bu/ac, 1000 seed/ac, plant/ac, plant/ft2, tree/ac, kg/ha, 1000 seed/ha, plant/ha, and tree/ha.
    • The Planting Recommendation Report now supports total unit calculations for the following purchase units: bag, lbs, cwt, kg, metric ton, bu, seeds, plants, and trees.

Sirrus iOS 5.2 \\ Released: December 13, 2019


  • Comparison Map for Yield Layers: Using the Compare button in the activity view, users can compare yield layers to other data types to gain additional insights (Premium Feature).
  • Syncing in the Background: Users can now visit other applications while syncing. If a sync starts prior to minimizing the app, it will continue for 10 minutes. Force closing the app will stop the ongoing sync.
  • Automatic Sync: Sync will now only occur automatically when new data is saved or when the app has not synced in the last hour. This will result in the app syncing fewer times when not needed.
  • Seasons Downloaded: When a change is made in Seasons Downloaded the app will now only check for activities that fall within the new date range. This will increase the speed of the sync following the change.
  • Select Imagery Download by Date: Users can now select specific dates to download imagery, rather than seasons. This will improve sync as it will allow the user to download fewer images at a time if desired.



  • Comparison Map for Yield Layers (Premium Feature)
    • The Comparison Map feature now includes yield data. Using the Compare button in the activity view, users can compare yield layers to other data types to gain additional insights.
      Activity History
    • Fulfilled Recommendations and Applications are now represented with one item in the Activities list. Users can now select “View History” to see the original recommendation without having to drill down to another view for this option.


  • Syncing in the Background
    • Users can now visit other applications while syncing. If a sync starts prior to minimizing the app, it will continue for 10 minutes. Force closing the app will stop the ongoing sync.
  • Automatic Sync
    • Sync will now only occur automatically when new data is saved or when the app has not synced in the last hour. This will result in the app syncing fewer times when not needed.
  • Seasons Downloaded
    • When a change is made in Seasons Downloaded the app will now only check for activities that fall within the new date range. This will increase the speed of the sync following the change.


  • Select Imagery Download by Date
    • Users can now select specific dates to download imagery, rather than seasons. This will improve sync as it will allow the user to download fewer images at a time if desired, and download only the recent images the user needs. Upon a fresh install, user’s Sync Setup for Imagery will be set to 30 days prior from today. Users who update to 5.2 without a fresh install will not lose any images but will have the ability to select specific dates.


  • Fixed an issue where Cotton and Sugarcane Harvest was requiring crop on all polygons of a field.
  • Fixed an issue where field boundary edits were not syncing due to timestamp conflicts.
  • Fixed an issue where Sirrus allowed non numeric values in numeric fields.
  • Fixed an issue where GPS collected fields were not clipping to neighboring fields.
  • Fixed an issue where internal polygons (holes) were not being clipped to mgmt zones.
  • Fixed an issue where removing values form a shortlist was causing a sync error.
  • Fixed an issue where data was not being downloaded with grower.

Sirrus iOS 5.1 \\ Released: October 23, 2019


  • Numerous sync enhancements to benefit all users including an improvement for management zones.
  • Resolved issues for a subset of users that prevented the barcode report from running.
  • Users can now access the Reconcile Tool at the grower, farm, or field level for more efficient self-serve reconciliation, as needed.



  • Added the ability to use the reconcile tool at the grower, farm, or field level.
  • Various sync enhancements including an improvement for management zones.


  • Resolved an issue preventing the barcode report from running in some cases.

Sirrus iOS 5.0 \\ Released: October 10, 2019


  • Yield Data: View your yield layers on the go, including the new 3D view.
  • New Reports: Use the new Product Summary Load Sheet to go with your recommendations and look at the new single variety/hybrid optimizations in the Planting Recommendation Report.


Yield Data

  • Syncing and Viewing Yield Data
    • Yield layers in your agX account will now sync automatically.
    • View your yield layers on the go, including the new 3D view.
  • Sharing and Reporting Yield Data
    • Send yield layers to other users with Data Bullet.
    • Create a Quick Report of your Yield. (Premium Feature)


  • Planting Recommendation Report: Single Variety/Hybrid
    • The Planting Recommendation Report has been optimized to better accommodate single variety/hybrid seeding recommendations with a single larger map. (Premium Feature)
  • Product Summary Load Sheet
    • Use the Load Sheet to go with your recommendations. (Premium Feature)
    • This report can be created in the reporting workflow and it is automatically generated when you export your shapefiles.

Sirrus iOS 4.9 \\ Released: July 29, 2019


  • General app performance improvements
  • Addressed issues related to crashes and memory usage with larger volumes of data.
  • Comparison Map overlay for points & lines over polygon layers (Premium Feature)
  • Users will be able to compare activities that have points & lines by placing them over polygon and grid layers.
  • Users will be able to run a Quick Report based on this new Comparison Map feature as well.
  • Scouting & Recommendation Report update (Premium Feature)
  • Users will now be able to view their Weed Height section from Collection in this report.


  • Comparison Map overlay for points & lines over polygon layers
    • Activity View Comparisons for collection types with point/lines (Scouting, Sampling, Drainage) to be viewed in overlay with all polygon layer views.
  • Additional Quick Report for Comparison Map overlay
    • Quick Report from the Comparison Map overlay view that shares the user’s two types of data layers and the legend applied to polygon layer.
  • Scouting & Recommendation Report
    • Highly requested data from collection will be added to this Premium report
    • Weed Height, including Min, Max & Avg values will be located under each Weed from a user’s Scouting activity


  • Corrected an issue with syncing user-defined shortlists.
  • Addressed crashing in multiple areas, including Scouting, Save Screen, Logout, and GPS Digitizer.
  • Addressed performance issues with Activities list and Map loading times.

Sirrus mobile 4.8 \\ Released: May 14, 2019


  • Download Grower, Farms and Fields: Users can now choose to download individual Farms and Fields.
  • MyJohnDeere Export: Added the ability to export recommendations to MyJohnDeere.(Premium Feature)
  • Imagery enrollment at the Farm level: Support was added to select multiple Fields at the Farm level to enroll. (Premium Feature)
  • Plus Button Customization: Users can now easily reorganize their Activity and Report selection and remove options that are never used. (Premium Feature)


Premium Imagery

  • Enroll Fields at the Farm Level (Premium Feature)
    • Added the ability to select multiple Fields at the Farm level to enroll for Imagery.
  • Enrolling Fields is supported through the Imagery Tile and from the Activities Section Imagery tab.
    • Enroll Fields using Planting Date (Premium Feature)
      • Added the ability to enroll fields at the field level using planting date from a Planting Activity.

Plus Button

  • Activity Selection (Premium Feature)
    • Updated the activity selection view to allow for support of additional activities.
    • Users can easily remove and reorganize activities they collect.
  • Reports Selection (Premium Feature)
    • Added support for removing and reorganizing activities
  • Download Grower, Farms and Fields
    • Added support for downloading individual Farms and Fields.
    • Users can now remove and add specific Farms and Fields from Grower Downloads.
  • Activity Settings (Premium Feature)
    • Organized activity collection settings to best fit current and future customer needs.
    • Added more detailed groupings of similar settings


  • John Deere Wireless Data Transfer (Premium Feature)
    • Added the ability to export recommendations to John Deere’s MyJohnDeere.
    • Users can now send their Crop Protection and Fertilizer and Planting recommendations to their organizations and equipment


  • New Languages: French and German
    • Added the support for two new languages: French and German.
    • We now support six languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Afrikaans, French and German.

Sirrus mobile 4.7 \\ Released: February 22, 2019


Share Tank Mix: Users can now share Tank Mixes to other user accounts with Data Bullet.

Improved Sampling Results View: Users can now easily add, remove or adjust Sampling Analysis results.

Premium Imagery Delete Rejected Images: When images are Rejected they will now be deleted from the Administrators account. (Premium Feature)

Sync Improvements: Users will notice Sync improvement as agX Reference Data updates are now checked once a day through Sync.



  • Improved Sampling Results View: Improved functionality with adding, editing and removing Sample Analysis. Updated view is available within Soil, Nematode and Tissue Sampling views. Added the ability to move between samples with the Next Sample and Previous Sample buttons.
  • Users can cycle through their analysis results faster than using the map.

Premium Imagery

  • Delete Rejected Images: Added the ability to delete rejected images (Premium Feature).
  • Images that are rejected will be deleted from the administrators account.


  • Share Tank Mix : Added the ability to share Tank Mixes using Data Bullet
  • Users can now Data Bullet their personal Tank Mixes to each other without having an agX connection.
  • Export Support Packages by Farms and Fields: Added the ability to export support packages by farm and field.
  • Users can now select individual fields to include in an exported package.

Sirrus mobile 4.6.2 \\ Released: December 23, 2018


Premium Report Settings: Users can now choose to remove satellite imagery on premium reports and remove the recommendation field thumbnail image on the Scouting & Recommendation report.



  • Added support for additional settings to improve Premium Reports
  • Users can now remove satellite imagery on all premium reports
  • Users can now remove the recommendation thumbnail image on the Scouting & Recommendation report.
  • Added Scouting Date to the Scouting & Recommendation report header
  • Added the Scouting Activity Name to the Scouting & Recommendation report

Premium Report Settings

  • Fixed issues with Images loading in error
  • Fixed issues with Grower Downloads

Sirrus 4.6 \\ Released: November 26, 2018


Button Orientation: Both left and right-handed users are now accommodated. Users can now choose their preferred layout (left or right) for collection of boundaries and all activities.
Default Crop: is now shown on Recommendation Summary and Scouting & Recommendation reports if a default crop is designated.
Report Settings: Users can now choose the Job Title that they would like to display on their reports.
Share Shortlists using Data Bullet: Users can now Data Bullet their personal shortlists to other users.



  • Added Button Orientation setting to accommodate both left and right-handed users.
  • Users can now choose their preferred layout for collection of boundaries and all activities.
  • Optimized agX Shortlist layout.
  • Users will not be required to make shortlists for attributes with fewer choices.


  • Added Default Crop to Premium reports.
  • Crop is now shown on Recommendation Summary and Scouting & Recommendation reports if a default crop is designated.
  • Added a customizable Job Title field to Report Settings.
  • Users can now choose the Job Title that they would like to display on their reports.


  • Added the ability to share Shortlists using Data Bullet.
  • Users can now Data Bullet their personal shortlists to other users.
  • The most recent version of agX content will now be included in each update.
  • This should reduce sync times after taking an update.
  • Sync Improvements
  • User-initiated syncs will no longer keep users from working in Sirrus.


  • Added shapefile export to Management Zone Options menu.
  • Users can now export a management zone shapefile from within the view.
  • Added the Ability to export support packages to other iOS apps.
  • Users can now choose to send a support package to any app that accepts zip files.
  • Sirrus 4.5 \\ Released: October 12, 2018
  • Update Highlights
  • Default Crop: Use Default Crop to automatically populate crop within activity collection. (Premium Feature)
  • Scouting Schedule: Users can now specify the frequency that “Fields to Scout” will list fields without recent scouting activities.
  • Manure Activity: Users can now recommend and record manure applications.
  • Reports: Added activity based fertilizer recommendations to the Fertility Report. (Premium Feature)
  • Exports: Users can now export Management Zone Shapefiles.
  • Sync: agX Shortlists are now syncing to users’ accounts.


Activity Collection

  • Added support for manure activity.
  • Users can now recommend and record manure applications.
  • Added option in settings to remove scouting photos by default when using re-scout.
  • Added the ability to create a scouting schedule in scouting dashboard tiles.
  • Users can now specify the frequency that “Fields to Scout” will list fields without recent scouting activity.
  • Short lists now sync to agX
  • agX shortlists are now syncing to users’ accounts. In the event of an uninstall/reinstall, shortlists will now be retained
  • Added the ability to designate a default crop. (Premium Feature)
  • Use current planting applications as the foundation for future collection. Default crop will be populated within: Scouting, Tissue Sampling, Harvest collections.
  • Added tank mix viewing to iPhone crop protection & fertilizer collection.


  • Added shapefile export for management zones.


  • Added activity based fertilizer recommendations to the fertility report. (Premium Feature)


  • Organized settings to best fit current and future customer needs.
  • Added more detailed groupings of similar settings.
  • Improve seasons downloaded by listing all available activity types for download
  • Improve agX sync management.
  • Users will be able to manage their activities easily within ready to sync and not ready to sync.

Sirrus 4.4 \\ Released: August 1, 2018

Update Highlights:
Premium Imagery: Various optimizations to the Approve/Reject workflow.
Activity Collection: Optimized Soil Sampling Collection for left-handed users, and added the ability to Select All polygons by default in activity collection.
Reports: Added Quick Report for Soil Sampling.
New Features
Premium Imagery
• Added Reject action to Swipe Menu
• Added cloud cover check to Approve/Reject screen
• Added Help Text to Approve/Reject Screen
• Added Enrollment Date to Field Enrollment Dashboard Tile
• Added Approved/Rejected status to Premium Imagery list item in Activities
• Added Provider and Satellite information to Premium Imagery list item in Activities
Activity Collection
• Added the option to Select All Polygons by default
• Added the option to move Soil Sampling Drop Point Button from right to left side
• Added the Save and Create Rec option to the Irrigation and Crop Protection Save Screens
• Increased the selection size for the Camera button in Scouting. (iPhone Only)
• Increased the selection size for the Clear (X) Button. (iPhone Only)
• Soil Sampling Quick Report
• Added Notes for Irrigation and Crop Protection & Fertilizer to Scouting and Recommendation Report
• Changed Scouting and Recommendation Reporting order to always show Scouting first if collected on the same day
• Improved sync experience between devices
• Added Activity Filters to Data Bullet Workflow

Sirrus 4.3 \\ Released: July 12, 2018

Update Highlights:
Harvest: Added support for Harvest Activities.
Reporting: Added the ability to create a Quick Map for Field Boundaries. (Premium Feature)
Sync: Various Sync improvements.
New Features
Activity Collection
• Added support for the following Harvest activities:
• Fruit & Nut
• Vegetable and Herb
• Sugarcane
• Cotton
• Forage
• Grain & Seed
• Speed Improvements
• Users should experience faster sync times and grower downloads.
• Added None as an option for Seasons Downloaded.
• Users can now choose not to download specific data types.
• Added Ready to Sync to Settings.
• Users can now access the Ready to Sync setting without saving an activity.
Activity View
• Added Notes to Activity View.
• Users can now access activity notes while viewing an activity.
• Added the ability to create a Quick Report for Field Boundaries. (Premium Feature)
• Added Harvest Reports (Premium Feature)
Wireless Data Transfer
• Added support for Raven Slingshot export on iPhone. (Existing iPad Feature)

Sirrus 4.2.2 \\ Released: June 26, 2018
Bugs Fixed:
• Fixed crashing issue with viewing Scouting Activities
• Fixed crashing issue with syncing Scouting Photos
• Fixed crashing issue with syncing Field Boundaries

Sirrus v. 4.2.1 \\ Released: June 11, 2018

Bugs Fixed:
• Fixed crashing issues with activity collection that affected some users.
• Fixed Premium imagery enrollment issue for starting enrollment date, which prevented some users from receiving imagery in current season.

Sirrus v. 4.2 \\ Released: May 24, 2018

Update Highlights:
Premium Imagery: Users can now enroll fields to receive Sentinel (10 m resolution) and/or Landsat (30 m resolution) Imagery weekly. (Premium Feature)
Add Button: Move and hide your Activity Collection Tiles (Premium Feature)
Reports: Reporting is now available by selecting the Add button.
Scout with Planting: Use a planting activity to pre-populate Crop in Scouting and visualize Variety/Hybrid and Rate in the field.
Scouting Additions: Added Multi-Select for points, added ability to delete points, and improved the photos feature.
Management Zones: Added the ability to view, edit, and create Quick Reports for Management Zones.
GPS: Added support for Direct Connect GPS on iPhone, and added Direct Connect support for DigiFarm Beacon.
Tank Mix: Tank Mixes now sync to your agX Account.

New Features
Premium Imagery
• Premium users can now enroll fields in the Premium Imagery Program to receive In-Season Imagery.
• Users can expect a weekly delivery of Sentinel (10 m resolution) or Landsat (30 m resolution) imagery.
Activity Collection
• Add Button
• Added the ability to customize Activity Collection Tiles. (Premium Feature)
• Users can now move and hide Activity Collection Tiles.
• Scouting
• Added Multi-Select for points.
• Users can now select multiple points while collecting Scouting.
• Added the ability to remove points.
• Users can now remove unwanted points while collecting Scouting.
• Improved the Add Photo feature.
• Users can now add more than one photo from an iOS album without leaving the photo workflow.
• Added support for Scouting recommendations on iPad. (Existing feature on iPhone)
• Users can now save Scouting as a recommendation using an iPad.
• Management Zones
• Added the ability to edit existing Management Zones.
• Added the ability to edit the color representation of Management Zone legends.
• Added the ability to inherit legends from base layers.
• Management Zones created from an existing layer of data will now use the legend specified by the user for that layer.
• Soil Sampling
• Added color change to Drop Point Tool.
• The Drop Point button will now change to dark orange when a user’s current location is within 100 ft. of the next target point.
• GPS Connectivity
• Added support for Direct Connect GPS on iPhone. (Existing feature on iPad)
• Users can now use supported GPS units and dongles to send location directly to Sirrus, bypassing Apple location services.
• Added support for DigiFarm Beacon as Direct Connect GPS option.
• Users can now use the DigiFarm Beacon to connect GPS units directly to Sirrus, bypassing Apple location services.
• Precipitation
• Added the ability to adjust Historical Precipitation values.
• General
• Added the ability to Scout with a Planting activity. (Premium)
• Users can now use a planting activity to pre-populate crop in Scouting and visualize Variety/Hybrid and Rate in the field.
• Added the ability to collect all activity types using Surface Analysis layers in the background. (Premium Feature)
• Users can now use Surface Analysis layers to collect all activity types.
• Users can now choose to use Surface Analysis layers as selectable zones or background layers.
• Added the ability to create a shortlist for Custom Fertilizers.
• Optimized Activity Collection for Road Maps.
• Users will notice a color change in Activity Collection when using Road Maps as a background map.
• Added Area to Split Tool
• Users will now see the calculated area of each polygon when creating splits within Activity Collection and Boundary Creation workflows.
• Sync
• Tank Mixes now sync with agX.
• Added the ability to disable Automatic Grower downloads.
• Users can now choose not to automatically download growers that are new to their account.
• Boundary Creation
• Added Measure Tool.
• Users can now measure distance and area within the Boundary Creation workflow.
• Home View
• Added Field Options to iPhone Home section. (Existing feature on iPad)
• iPhone users can now access the Field Options menu without swiping the field name.
• Activity View
• Improved legend view for Planting and Crop Protection & Fertilizer activities. (Premium Feature)
• Users will notice that ranges are now displayed from low to high in the legend.
• Added the ability to view Management Zones as a layer of data.
• Users can now view Management Zones outside of Activity Collection.
• Improved the Comparison Map user experience. (Premium Feature)
• Users will notice that the maps now maintain the same zoom level and the center divider snaps to the center when returned.
• Improved Filtering options in Activity List.
• Users will notice that the Activity Filter now includes Activity Type, Event Date, and Season.
• Reports
• Updated Reports workflow.
• Reporting is now available by selecting the Add button.
• Added ability to create Quick Report for Management Zones. (Premium Feature)
• Added ability to create Quick Report for Historical Precipitation. (Premium Feature)
• Updated Fertility Report. (Premium Feature)
• Users will notice an updated layout when creating a Fertility Report.
• Added Background imagery to the maps on the Scouting & Recommendation Report. (Premium Feature)

Sirrus v. 4.1.1 \\ Released: March 20, 2018

Bugs Fixed:
Activity Collection
• Fixed issue with Zone Soil Sampling.
Home Section
• Fixed crashing issue with yield tiles.

Sirrus 4.1 Update \\ Released: March 15, 2018

Update Highlights:
Pick a Field: Users can now select pre-digitized field boundaries when creating a new field, in addition to existing boundary creation tools such as Draw and GPS.
Soil Type Data: Users in the United States can now view Soil Type data, and use it to create management zones, collect data, and create reports. (Premium Feature)
Planting Recommendation Report: Users can now create a Planting report that includes a Variety/Hybrid map, a Population map, and a summary of estimated units per Variety/Hybrid. (Premium Feature)

New Features
Boundary Creation
• Added new “Pick a Field” Feature.
• Users can now select pre-digitized field boundaries when creating a new field, in addition to existing boundary creation tools such as Draw and GPS.
Soil Type Data
• Added support for SSURGO 2 data layers. (Premium Feature)
• Users in the United States can now view Soil Type data, and use it to create management zones, and collect data.
Activity Collection
• Added support for Tissue Sampling using iPhone.
• Users can now collect Tissue Sampling activities using iPhone. (Functionality is the same as on iPad)
• Added support for Nematode sampling using iPhone.
• Users can now collect Nematode Sampling activities using iPhone. (Functionality is the same as on iPad)
• Added Planting Recommendation Report. (Premium Feature)
• Users can now create a Planting report that includes a Variety/Hybrid map, a Population map, and a summary of estimated units per Variety/Hybrid.
• Added Quick Report for Soil Type Data. (Premium Feature)
• Users can now create a Quick Report using Soil Type data.

Sirrus 4.0 Update \\ Released: February 25, 2018

Update Highlights:
Universal App: Sirrus is now a single app that runs on either iPad or iPhone.
• iPhone users will need to uninstall their Sirrus for iPhone app and install Sirrus v. 4.0 from the App Store.
Irrigation: Easily create Irrigation recommendations and document location and direction.
Surface Analysis: View FarmRite Surface Analysis layers, including yield, and use them to create Management Zones and collect data.
Comparison Map: View any data layers side by side. (Premium Feature)
Quick Report: Create a quick report pdf for any layer that you are viewing. (Premium Feature)
New Features
Universal App
• Sirrus is now a single universal app that runs on both iPad and iPhone without the need for separate apps.
• iPhone users will need to uninstall their Sirrus for iPhone app and install Sirrus v. 4.0.
Activity Collection
• Added support for Irrigation activities.
• Users can now easily create Irrigation recommendations.
• Added support for Irrigation Location and Direction in Scouting.
• Users can now document Irrigator location and direction while collecting a Scouting activity.
Surface Analysis
• Added support for Surface Analysis layers.
• Users can now view Surface Analysis layers created using FarmRite.
• Users can now use Surface Analysis layers to collect data and create Management Zones.
Updated Home Section
• Updated Weather and Cumulative Rainfall tiles
• Users will notice improved graphs and more user friendly experience.
• Added Crop Condition and Growth Stage tiles (Premium Feature)
• Users can now monitor Crop Condition and Growth Stage using data collected in Scouting activities.
• Added REI and PHI/WHP tiles (Premium Feature)
• Users can now monitor REI and PHI/WHP using data collected in Crop Protection & Fertilizer activities.
• Added Dry Yield and Average Yield by Crop tiles (Premium Feature)
• Users can now view statistics from Yield Surface Analysis layers.
Updated Activity View
• Added new Comparison Map feature. (Premium Feature)
• Users can now view any data layers side by side.
• Added Irrigation to Recommendation Summary Report. (Premium Feature)
• Added Irrigation to Scouting & Recommendation Report. (Premium Feature)
• Added Irrigation Location and Direction to Scouting & Recommendation Report. (Premium Feature)
• Added new Quick Report feature (Premium Feature)
• Users can now create a quick report pdf for any layer that is being viewed.