Summit Release Notes
August 21, 2024
Version 8.8.5
New Features
- Bulk Data Bullet – Added a page to Data Mgmt that will allow users to select multiple layers under a single grower to data bullet
- Can also data bullet field boundaries
- Can also transfer administrative rights
- Reconcile Data – Added a page to Data Mgmt that will allow users to fetch missing data in cases where a normal sync doesn’t get the data
- In some infrequent cases, sync timing can cause data to not sync to a local Summit and subsequent syncs will not get the data. In these cases, reconciliation will completely refresh the sync timing and should get any missing data that is present in the account and not deleted.
- Boundary Only Reconcile: Added a sub feature fetch only boundaries for selected grower/farm/fields
- Added information text to the Data Mgmt page
- Added Compaction data .csv import option under Data Mgmt > Import Data
- Changed text on field boundary shapefile import page for clarification
- Added various logging improvements to gather more details in error logs
- Add Back Button to Preview Task in FarmRite > Manage Orders
- Improved syncing process for old sync items – Fetching table data based on sync direction
- Added a Summit Key validation check while accessing Farmrite packages and implemented an easy way to fix
Bug Fixes
- Updated process for retrieving field boundaries to fix an issue where new fields are shared to a connection but not syncing to the recipient
- Resolved an issue with FarmRite reports not updating properly
- Resolved duplicate key value error during sync
December 12, 2023
Version 8.8.3
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue with importing boundary shapefiles that contain multiple growers, farms, and fields, but the user must utilize the match option.
- When importing multiple single field shapefiles, the user can choose either option, match or manual.
- If a user tries to import a shapefile with a missing .shx or .dbf, the selection is allowed, but an unhandled exception will appear when the digitizer tries to open.
- When a user is importing multiple shapefiles for “multiple fields”, and they do not choose the option for GFF names from the table attributes, the GFFs are named numerically 1/1/1 by default.
Updater & Error Log
- In certain cases, some users were experiencing a “an object reference error” when applying Summit updates. This error should now be resolved.
Upcoming Discontinued Functionality
- As we continue to look for ways to increase our efficiency and provide our customers with the utmost value and support through Summit, we would like to inform you of the decision to move forward with eliminating the logistics functionality from our Summit platform in the late Winter of 2023 to early Spring of 2024. Please feel free to contact our customer support team should you have any questions.
November 7, 2023
Version 8.8.2
New Features
New agX Content Region Reference Data and Language Translations
- As a new feature in Summit, we’ve added in new agX region content to assist with providing translations for picklist attributes that have known translations for a specific region(s).
- Language and Region Settings:
To change the language and region settings, select Summit settings then select the “agx Content Language & Region” tab. By default, the language selected is “English (United States)” and the default for region is United States.
- agX Content Language:
The language determines the translation of agX content items in Summit picklists. Many items have not yet been translated. In cases where an item does not have a translation that matches the selected language, it will appear in English.
- agX Content Region:
The region determines what agX items will be available in Summit picklists. Summit will limit picklist options to things available or present in the selected region. More than one region can be selected. When editing a picklist, each region enabled in this setting will be available for selection and will be sorted by the selected region. Region does not set the translation that applies to the picklist items.
Multiple Shape File Imports
- With this enhancement the user can now select multiple shapefiles (up to ten) from the same folder to import. The user is then able to digitize the fields one by one after selecting the bulk import option. The user also is not required to digitize all the fields. After opening the field in digitizer, the user will click on “Save and Exit” or “Save and Digitize Another” and both options will take the user back to the list of bulk imported shapefiles.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue with copying and pasting data across multiple polygons. The correction allows for the data to be transferred across polygons, without reverting to the original data after saving.
- Corrected an issue with not having a save option when selecting a GFF outside of the current GFF once a poly or point edit is made. The save option should now be a viewable and functional setting.
- Issued a correction for a duplicate key error within the CEI operations. A pop-up error message was appearing that stated “An item with the same key has already been added” when trying to manage the picklist for the rate units across multiple product types, such as Crop, Fertilizer, Herbicide, etc. The pop- up was removed and the picklist functions properly.
- A correction was made with previously failed orders that were appearing in red text, but then the text was not updated to the black text after the order successfully completed. The text colors are now working as expected, with failed orders appearing in the red text and the completed orders in the black text.
- Resolved an issue with Sync not bringing down yield data when the region was selected to South Africa. A correction was made, and the yield data will now sync down from the server.
Upcoming Discontinued Functionality
- As we continue to look for ways to increase our efficiency and provide our customers with the upmost value and support through Summit, we would like to inform you of the decision to move forward with eliminating the logistics functionality from our Summit platform in the early Fall to late Winter of 2023. Please feel free to contact our customer support team should you have any questions.
June 29, 2023
Version 8.8.1
- Resolved an issue with Soil Sampling Operations. The ID and Sample ID labels were getting switched
causing the previewed data pointsto appear abnormally out of order. The correction was made, and
the Sample ID label is now viewable in Maps.
- Corrected an issue with FarmRite Mapbook reports. The Soil Sampling point overlays were
intermittently missing on certain Mapbook reports. The correction was made, and the soil sampling
point overlays are appearing on the identified Farmrite Mapbook Reports.
Upcoming Discontinued Functionality
- As we continue to look for ways to increase our efficiency and provide our customers with the
upmost value and support through Summit, we would like to inform you of the decision to move
forward with eliminating the logistics functionality from our Summit platform in the early Fall to
late Winter of 2023. Please feel free to contact our customer support team should you have any
June 20, 2023
Version 8.8.0
New Features
- Added V4 Soil Sampling Attributes for Barcodes
- In reports, the new attributes include- Bag ID, Lab Name, Lab Account Number, Lab Package Number
- Implemented a new Mapbook Character Limitation for Exporting
- Improved export saving with truncating file name characters – max count changed to 257 characters
- Implemented a new Summit process to store data into log_tables without fetching from the backup server
- New Lockless Sync
- With this enhancement there should be fewer blocking syncs, and overall sync times should be improved.
- Imagery Status and Raster data Sync Improvements
- Added additional logging to current Sync tables
- Added capability to track sync timings for Current Sync tables
April 17, 2023
Version 8.7.6
- Various improvements for Grower, Farm and Fields.
March 23, 2023
Version 8.7.8
New Features
Reports Imagery Settings
- Various settings that can help with report generation times when communication is limited with imagery servers. Additional settings are available for managing image caches.
Report Imagery Download
- Users can now download background imagery for use prior to pulling reports. These images will be stored on the user’s hard drive for a limited time and can help with report generation times and background imagery success. It is not necessary to download images prior to pulling reports but can help with report generation, especially for users with limited bandwidth.
Sync Retry
- In circumstances where a user needs to sync but they have a sync lock on the server, Summit will automatically attempt to sync again after 30 seconds. In many cases this is enough time for the sync lock to fall off. If the user decided not to wait the 30 seconds they can cancel the time and resume use of Summit.
- Added farm and field level syncing to increase performance
- Added filter for “Selected” and “Unselected” growers
- Added “Do Not Sync” option for sync season filters
- Changed some data types in Sync Settings to allow users more control over what they sync down
- Added new layer PUTs in local Summit Sync Logs
- Improved Imagery Interface and better SURRGO imagery downloading
- Updated Training Library Link on the Summit Homepage
- Fixed and improved processing time for imported data via Climate FieldView
- Made Shapefile ID column improvements to avoid confusion between ID and Sample ID
- Improved Summit Logs
- Added GFF search box to several locations within the UI
December 12, 2022
Version 8.7.6
- Fixed issue where product recommendations were not automatically generated from nutrient recommendations during the sync process.
- Improvements to the sync process to prevent stuck syncs, that could block subsequent sync attempts.
- Fixed an issue with the ‘Display Live Order Tracking’ page where some users were not able to access the page successfully.
- Fix to the Logistics page that was blocking users from accessing the Dispatch Request screen.